University Of Victoria

#4 Diversity and Inclusion in PLN


How diverse is your existing PLN?

My PLN is often diverse, I am able to connect with different people all around the world. Not only, I am able to gain knowledge about issues, events, movements that are happening around the world from social media. My diverse PLN has allowed me to see the good and bad in different countries, and I can share my opinions about certain matters. Without a diverse PLN, I would not know what is going on outside of my bubble. For example, the current farmers protest in India. I would have never known about it without social media. However, social media allowed the protest to gain a bigger audience and support from other people sharing post, spreading the word, and informing everyone who sees the post.

In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?

My PLN reflects off of opinions and values. I have strong opinions on certain subjects like the global warning crisis. However, I am not the person to be the loudest in the room. I am not one to start an argument as I try to see everyone’s view point. That being said, I try not to share my opinion on social media where it could offend or make someone uncomfortable. I do have values and opinions but I keep the to myself and educate myself on the topic instead of sharing it to social media. Moreover, in a classroom setting (Either in class or Zoom), I share my opinion, and can take the lead but I let others take control if other students would prefer.

 Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide-range of interests)?

My PLN does not participate in silo information sharing. On my social media, I often see people posting valuable information about social movements, issues within the city, and strong opinions. I do support what most people share, however I do not use my PLN to discuss important issues. For example, during the peek of the BML movement, people started posting a black screen to show their support. I never did this but instead, I researched about it and gained more knowledge to keep my self informed and educated. People do not need to know my opinion and values as I find it more personal. In addition, some people posted the black screen to join the bandwagon, and may not even know what is happening about it.

How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?

I am currently expanding my diverse inclusion from this class. Mattermost has connected me with other students from different places. We can now share opinions and ideas which, helps individuals gain more experiences and knowledge. Our blogs lets our classmates see different views and use different examples. We all have different experiences and a diverse PLN can expand to even more experiences.

In your professional setting of choice, do you think inclusion is actively embraced?

Zoom gives inclusion to everyone in the class. In my zoom classes, we often go into breakout rooms where students can bounce ideas and opinions with one another. All of the students are from different places in the world and at different parts of their lives. For example, I am in a group with people that are different ages than me and do not live in v]Victoria.  We meet once a week to discuss and plan our work out. Without zoom, we would not be able to be inclusive.

What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

I have now learned how important inclusion can be, especially in a classroom setting. Inclusion in the classroom can be very beneficial to all sides. It can help an individuals grade by others inspiring them or helping the individual understand the material. Inclusion can lead to friendships from bonding over the same interests.  Furthermore, I realized from this blog post that without diversity, would not be able to connect with my old friends who are living all around the word now (picture is my friends and I re connecting after we all left for university).

How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?

This weeks blog post and readings has emphasized the importance of diversity and inclusion. I will move forward by becoming more welcoming to new people and continue to research to gain information on important world issues to stay diverse. Moreover, I normally join groups with my friends in the class, but I will expand from my bubble and include other people. This will allow me to interact with new people and gain knowledge and values from them.


Moore, S. (2017). One without the other : Stories of unity through diversity and inclusion. ProQuest Ebook Central



1 Comment

  1. Nav

    Hi Rianne,

    I see that you connected the idea of being the loudest in the room with sharing your opinions and starting arguments, but on the flip side, are you the loudest in the room in regards to engaging with your PLN and getting the conversations started?
    I like that you are using mattermost as a way to expand your PLN, and I think with edci 339- mattermost is the best way to expand your PLN. But could you expand on what other methods or perhaps social media you are using to increase your PLN? I also love that you added pic of your with your friends, it added a sense of reliability to your narrative and also adds an emotional touch to your reflection regarding your PLN!!

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